If developmental editing helps shape a story and copyediting polishes it, line editing is what makes the writing come alive. Line editors listen to the music behind the written word. They consider the rhythm and cadence of a sentence or paragraph and ask how it meshes with the mood and tone of a scene or story or section. They look out for an author’s stylistic weaknesses but never override an author’s style.
This live workshop will challenge developmental editors and copyeditors to approach editing from the middle distance, connecting with the writing while detaching from the big picture or the small cleanup issues. We’ll talk about authorial voice, discuss how to work with writing on a line level, and work through a few examples comparing line editing to other editorial phases.
Christina M. Frey, J.D. is co-executive of the Editorial Freelancers Association and a developmental/line editor and literary coach with Page Two Editorial. With over 20 years of experience in writing, editing, and publishing, she now works with select authors and small presses on full-length fiction and memoir. Christina specializes in helping both novice and experienced writers to develop and refine their authorial voice.