In Advanced Developmental Editing of Fiction, we’ll be focusing on doing a complete, actual edit of a full-length fiction manuscript. The instructor will provide a class manuscript for you to work on. If you prefer to use a manuscript of your own (for example, a client’s project or a friend’s work), that’s fine. The class material does not focus on the specifics of the class manuscript (some of the discussion on the forum may do so). In this four-week class, we’ll focus on reviewing the principles of developmental editing, making an editorial plan, providing an appropriate critique, and more. But the main thrust of the work will be your editing an actual manuscript and having the instructor guide those edits.
In this class, feedback regarding your edits will be one-on-one, but everyone is free to share ideas, questions, comments, and concerns on the forum.
NOTE: The course is available only to those who have already taken Developmental Editing of Fiction Intermediate.
“Jennifer’s feedback was wonderful. As a freelancer I don’t get feedback often, so this was refreshing.”