NEW! We’ve put together bundles of inexpensive, convenient recorded webinars and self-paced courses that are designed for editors who are launching freelance careers or exploring new areas of specialty. Check out our Paths to Freelance Editing Careers.
Recorded Webinars
The EFA’s recorded webinars are a cost-effective and efficient way to boost or refresh your skills, explore a new service, or learn how to take your editorial freelancing business to the next level. Please note that some webinars may show up in multiple places in this list—they are organized by category to make searching easier. You will need to log in to see the correct member or guest prices and to purchase recorded webinars.
Looking for a webinar you already purchased? You can find it in your course library.
Editing for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Authenticity Reading: What It Is and Why Editors Should Care (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
Demystifying the Language of Disability (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$0.00 -
Microaggressions in Editing: Understanding Bias and Undoing Harm (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Trans Allyship for Writers and Editors (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
Running an Editorial Business
Beyond Hashtags and Reels: Using Instagram’s Organic Features to Promote Your Freelance Editing Business (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Business Data for Freelance Editors (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Content Marketing for Academic Editors (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Creating a Persuasive Website for Your Freelance Business (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Creating, Leading, and Benefiting from Writing Communities (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Digital Marketing Primer (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Editorial Freelancing 101 (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Ethically Compiling an Editing Portfolio (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Is Becoming an Editorial Agency for You? (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Lean Business Plans for Freelance Editors (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Networking for Editors (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Preserving Mental Health in Times of Crisis (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Targeting Your Résumé for In-House Work (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Tracking Editorial Projects from Start to Finish (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Winning Clients Over with Sample Edits and Proposals (Webinar Recording)
Editing Specific Genres
Academic Developmental Editing (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Editing Articles for Submission to a Scientific or Medical Journal (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Effective Science Editing: Lessons from Fiction and Academia (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Innovative Writing, Innovative Editing: Offering Feedback on Work That Takes Risks (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Introduction to Grant Editing: From Draft to Fundable (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Introduction to Medical-Legal Editing: A Big Little Niche (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Medical-Legal Editing: Helping Experts Help the Court (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Résumé Editing as a Freelance Service (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Romance for Editors: Working with Archetypes, Tropes, and Genre Conventions (Webinar Recording)
Copyediting & Proofreading
Copyediting Fiction, Part 1: Overview (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Copyediting Fiction, Part 2: The Fiction Style Sheet (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Copyediting for Readability (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Numbers in Formation: Reader-Friendly Organization of Numerical Data into Tables (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Proofreading 101 (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Proofreading and Annotating PDFs Using Adobe Acrobat (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
What’s New in CMOS 18 (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
You Don’t Have to Be Perfect: Increasing Copyediting Productivity Within Acceptable Error Rates (Webinar Recording)
Line Editing
Developmental Editing & Beta Reading
Mastering Editorial Software
Demystifying Macros: A Beginner’s Guide (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Fearless Formatting in Microsoft Word (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Intermediate Macros: Enhancing Your Editorial Workflow (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Introduction to Google Analytics for Editorial Professionals (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Learn to Record Your Own Macros (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Understanding Styles and Templates in Microsoft Word (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
Other Skills
Build a Better Checklist for Your Editing Tasks (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Coaching Academic Authors Toward Book Publication (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Editing Citations for Accuracy and Formatting (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Editing Sex and Intimacy (Webinar Recording)
$60.00 -
Editorial Letters for Every Editor (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Get Started Teaching for the EFA (Free Webinar Recording)
$0.00 -
Introduction to Coaching Academic Writers (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Keys to Authenticity: Bringing Your Genuine Self to Your Freelance Career (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
The Art of Feedback (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)
$60.00 -
Understanding and Explaining Your Editing Decisions (Webinar Recording, Free to EFA Members)