Member Profile

Jeff Hart
I’m the author of the YA zom-rom-coms EAT BRAINS LOVE (now a movie!) and UNDEAD WITH BENEFITS, both published by Harper Teen. As a ghostwriter, I’ve written several other young adult novels, many of which have appeared on the NYT Best Sellers list. As an editor and consultant, I’ve helped craft numerous book proposals that were sold on spec to major publishing houses and shaped many first drafts into publishable manuscripts.
As an author and an editor, I’ve experienced all sides of the publishing process. From coffee-soaked mornings when it seems like that first draft will never get finished to those late nights feeling like a pincushion while poring over an editor’s brutal notes — I’ve been there. Beyond a keen eye for the market and an incisive red pen for what works on the page, I’ve found that what’s often most valuable for a writer is a confidant. It’s important to have an editor that’s been through the process, who you feel comfortable bouncing ideas off, and who will share in both your blunders and successes.
Wherever you are with your manuscript, I can guide you to the next level. I’m available for query critiques, assessment reads, and more in-depth edits. Looking for someone to take a pass at your first draft? Need help sculpting an idea into an outline? Want someone to punch-up your dialogue? I’m ready to assist on projects big and small.
The most fulfilling moments of my career have been when the inherently lonesome writing process gave way to a feeling of community. It takes a team to bring a book into the world and I want to be part of yours!
Years in the field: 15
Years freelancing: 9

Jeff Hart
I’m the author of the YA zom-rom-coms EAT BRAINS LOVE (now a movie!) and UNDEAD WITH BENEFITS, both published by Harper Teen. As a ghostwriter, I’ve written several other young adult novels, many of which have appeared on the NYT Best Sellers list. As an editor and consultant, I’ve helped craft numerous book proposals that were sold on spec to major publishing houses and shaped many first drafts into publishable manuscripts.
As an author and an editor, I’ve experienced all sides of the publishing process. From coffee-soaked mornings when it seems like that first draft will never get finished to those late nights feeling like a pincushion while poring over an editor’s brutal notes — I’ve been there. Beyond a keen eye for the market and an incisive red pen for what works on the page, I’ve found that what’s often most valuable for a writer is a confidant. It’s important to have an editor that’s been through the process, who you feel comfortable bouncing ideas off, and who will share in both your blunders and successes.
Wherever you are with your manuscript, I can guide you to the next level. I’m available for query critiques, assessment reads, and more in-depth edits. Looking for someone to take a pass at your first draft? Need help sculpting an idea into an outline? Want someone to punch-up your dialogue? I’m ready to assist on projects big and small.
The most fulfilling moments of my career have been when the inherently lonesome writing process gave way to a feeling of community. It takes a team to bring a book into the world and I want to be part of yours!