Member Profile
Helga Schier
Helga Schier, Ph.D., is the founder and owner of withpenandpaper LLC, an independent editorial services firm. She is also the Editorial Director of CamCat Publishing, an indie publisher with a curated list of titles in genre fiction (mystery/suspense, romance, sci-fi, fantasy) and nonfiction for adults and YA. With 30 years of experience in the book publishing industry, formerly serving as editor and executive editor in Big Five publishing houses, Ms. Schier guides authors through the development and revision process. Handling a manuscript like a diamond in the rough, Ms. Schier’s editorial work focuses on the refinement of story, character, scene work and stylistic issues, helping writers unlock the potential of their manuscripts.
Clients include individual writers, publishers, film producers, and book developers. Services offered include: in-depth evaluation, sensitive critique, plot/character development, scene refinement, pacing, line editing, rewrites, coaching and translation. Areas of focus include fiction (general, literary, mystery/suspense/thriller, romance) and non-fiction (memoir, true crime, current events, social studies, education, personal improvement, self-help).
Personal publications include books on contemporary fiction (academic and college market), several titles on history and sociology (middle and high school market), and numerous book-length translations (two memoirs, YA fiction, screenplays).
Santa Monica, CA
Business phone: 310-828-8421
More information: View PDF file
Years in the field: 30
Years freelancing: 20
Helga Schier
Helga Schier, Ph.D., is the founder and owner of withpenandpaper LLC, an independent editorial services firm. She is also the Editorial Director of CamCat Publishing, an indie publisher with a curated list of titles in genre fiction (mystery/suspense, romance, sci-fi, fantasy) and nonfiction for adults and YA. With 30 years of experience in the book publishing industry, formerly serving as editor and executive editor in Big Five publishing houses, Ms. Schier guides authors through the development and revision process. Handling a manuscript like a diamond in the rough, Ms. Schier’s editorial work focuses on the refinement of story, character, scene work and stylistic issues, helping writers unlock the potential of their manuscripts.
Clients include individual writers, publishers, film producers, and book developers. Services offered include: in-depth evaluation, sensitive critique, plot/character development, scene refinement, pacing, line editing, rewrites, coaching and translation. Areas of focus include fiction (general, literary, mystery/suspense/thriller, romance) and non-fiction (memoir, true crime, current events, social studies, education, personal improvement, self-help).
Personal publications include books on contemporary fiction (academic and college market), several titles on history and sociology (middle and high school market), and numerous book-length translations (two memoirs, YA fiction, screenplays).