
Barry Applewhite

Barry's Editing & Proofing LLC

A Dallas-area writer and editor with twenty years of experience in writing and editing. I have a strong background in both science and Christian theology. Working with authors of Christian books is my specialty. I also work with independent authors and emerging writers to improve their structure, characterization, plot, dialogue, narrative, grammar, and word choice. Although I edit multiple genres and styles, I specialize in line editing, and copyediting of full-length fiction (sci-fi and fantasy are favorites), nonfiction, and memoir.

As a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, I am committed to excellence and professionalism in the industry. When editing nonfiction, my goal is to see your work accepted without needing revision! My goal as a fiction editor is to promote strong writing and good storytelling by helping you achieve quality and consistency in your manuscript. I put a priority on preserving the integrity of your unique voice and style.

Plano, TX

Home phone: 972-422-9327


More information: View PDF file

Years in the field: 20
Years freelancing: 7


Barry Applewhite


A Dallas-area writer and editor with twenty years of experience in writing and editing. I have a strong background in both science and Christian theology. Working with authors of Christian books is my specialty. I also work with independent authors and emerging writers to improve their structure, characterization, plot, dialogue, narrative, grammar, and word choice. Although I edit multiple genres and styles, I specialize in line editing, and copyediting of full-length fiction (sci-fi and fantasy are favorites), nonfiction, and memoir.

As a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, I am committed to excellence and professionalism in the industry. When editing nonfiction, my goal is to see your work accepted without needing revision! My goal as a fiction editor is to promote strong writing and good storytelling by helping you achieve quality and consistency in your manuscript. I put a priority on preserving the integrity of your unique voice and style.

Office Closed Monday April 8.

The EFA Offices will be closed Monday, April 8, 2024. We will reopen on Tuesday, April 9. Job postings, discussion list subscriptions, and other customer service requests may not be responded to until then.

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