EFA Blog: Behind the Scenes at the Job List
We want to give our members a better understanding of all that happens behind the scenes of the Job List. The EFA office staff proficiently handle most of the details of the Job List, including all communications with job posters.

They consider the proposed rate for every job submitted. As an association, the EFA neither sets rates nor advises members on what rates or rate structures they should choose. We consider whether the ad makes sense and seems to be on the up-and-up. We don’t edit the posters’ wording at all, so potential responders get a sense of the writing they may encounter in the job. We also ensure that the service the person says they need is correctly labeled (unless their rate covers a variety of editorial services). We want one of our members to be glad they have landed the job.
There is general agreement among our current board members that we should list jobs unless they blatantly conflict with our anti-harassment policy (which is linked from the job submission form and the hiring basics area). We also don’t list internships or jobs that pay on a royalty or spec basis. We have nearly 3,000 members, who represent the full spectrum of this country and many countries around the world. Our members have a broad range of skills and specialty work areas. We want to provide opportunities for the broadest array of members that we can, because the Job List is a valuable member benefit. All members are free to receive Job List alerts or not, and to respond only to jobs that interest them and that they are qualified for. In 2020, our prescreening meant that about 65% of jobs submitted were approved and sent out to members. Most of those declined were for low rates.
Every month we tabulate the number of jobs we posted, the number we turned down, the types of work in various categories, and how posters found us so we can continue to improve our outreach.
If you have feedback or questions, email us at joblist@the-efa.org. We hope the list brings our members many satisfying, engaging, and well-paid gigs this year and every year.

Joy Drohan
Job List Chairperson, EFA Board of Governors (2020-2022)