EFA Develops Mission and Vision Statements

The EFA is delighted to share its new mission and vision statements. The statements were created during the process of developing a strategic plan in fall 2021. The Strategic Plan Task Force worked with consultant Elisa Pratt to identify statements that best reflect the purpose and goals of the association.
EFA Mission
The EFA advances excellence among our dynamic community of freelance editorial professionals by providing opportunities for business development, learning, and networking. Our resources help our members and their clients build successful collaborations.
EFA Vision
Our vision is a vibrant community of freelance editorial professionals—esteemed for their expertise, inclusive in their ethos, and thriving in their businesses—helping clients launch ideas into the world.
EFA Core Values
The identification of the organization’s mission, vision, and values helped to establish the strategic priorities that will inform the work of the Board of Governors, volunteers, and staff in the coming years.
2022-2025 Strategic Priorities

Desired Outcome: An effective and representative board that is accountable to the membership and that provides oversight to an organizational structure that is staffed appropriately for sustainable growth.

Desired Outcome: This organization-wide challenge and priority stands as a dedicated strategic objective while working within the other strategic goals to integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion across all EFA programs.

Desired Outcome: A diverse and representative membership that is engaged and growing, seeing the value in the organization and the relationships it creates.

Desired Outcome: A professional and valued educational program that addresses the evolving needs of all members and their clients, providing sustainable revenue and enhancing the reputation of the EFA.

Desired Outcome: Effective, data-driven, and welcoming communications that are strategically focused and coordinated across channels.
For additional information about the process and expected outcomes, review the narrative prepared by Brewer Pratt Solutions.
As we work to enhance the EFA by committing to fulfill the plan’s objectives, we want to highlight just some of the current programs available to members that reflect our core values.
- Community: Join the revamped Discussion List, a Chapter, and the Diversity Initiative.
- Expertise: Enroll in an EFA course; check out EFA Booklets.
- Opportunity: Grow your skills and professional network by signing up to volunteer; peruse potential jobs.
If you have suggestions for ways to help us meet our strategic goals, please contact us.