EFA at Anaheim’s Indie Author Day

(L-R) EFA member volunteers Marcella Lopez and Cherie Kephart with Orange County chapter co-coordinator Marissa Dunham
The EFA Orange County chapter hosted a booth at Anaheim’s Indie Author Day earlier in November. Local self-published authors, poets, and independent presses celebrated the world of self-publishing together at the Anaheim Public Library, while a poetry tent gave voice to the best of local poets. Anaheim Poet Laureate, Wendy Van Camp, organized.
In between shifts at the booth, EFA members explored all of the day’s activities. April Jones spent time among the panels listening to speakers, like Pam Sheppard, talk about the collaboration between author and editor. Debra Cross, a new EFA member, thoroughly enjoyed the day. Chelsey Drysdale loved meeting so many new people and even got feedback on her book proposal from a local independent press that attended. Cherie Kephart, Marcella Lopez, and Marissa Dunham spoke to many interesting local writers.
It was a valuable day among colleagues and everyone came away feeling refreshed!
Marissa Dunham
EFA Orange County Chapter Co-coordinator