Cody Sisco Appointed EFA Co-executive
May 13, 2022
The EFA Board of Governors has appointed Cody Sisco to complete the term left vacant by Ruth Mullen following her tragic passing last September. An EFA member since 2014, Cody was elected…
May 13, 2022
The EFA Board of Governors has appointed Cody Sisco to complete the term left vacant by Ruth Mullen following her tragic passing last September. An EFA member since 2014, Cody was elected…
April 18, 2022
National Volunteer Week is April 17–23, 2022. As a volunteer-run organization, volunteers are essential to EFA’s continued success. Every EFA program benefits from the care, time, and expertise of members…
April 14, 2022
A few weeks ago we announced that the EFA has partnered with the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) to launch the Editorial Freelancers Association Ruth Mullen Memorial Scholarship program. Under…
April 8, 2022
EFA members, you may be aware of recent Discussion List and social media posts that refer to our involvement with Fight for Freelancers. As it has become a matter of discussion among some members, this post is intended to clarify several matters that were considered and voted upon at our most recent regularly scheduled Board meeting, on April 6. A…
April 4, 2022
Like other not-for-profit, volunteer-managed organizations, the EFA relies on its members for ideas, initiatives, and getting things done. If you’d like to have a greater say in the EFA’s activities, now is your chance—nominations are open for the Board of Governors. Serving on the Board of Governors is a great way for emerging and veteran…
April 1, 2022
EFA Board members and staff have been working to: expand educational offerings and membership benefits establish the EFA Ruth Mullen Memorial Scholarship Program for HBCU Students increase Job List postings…
March 25, 2022
We understand members are concerned about the ABC Test. For that reason, in February 2022, we brought before the Board of Governors an amicus brief written in response to the National Labor Relations Board’s request for input from affected parties on which test should be used to classify independent contractors. The Board voted to sign…
March 21, 2022
Since at least 1977, the EFA continuously has published a newsletter, which went fully digital in 2021. The Freelancer is published quarterly in April, July, October, and January (prior to 2022, it was published bimonthly). The submission deadline is the twentieth of the month prior to the issue’s cover date (e.g., March 20 for the…
March 17, 2022
March 16, 2022
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